What is Google Ad Manager/AdX MCM (Multiple Customer Management) Program?
Gain exclusive access to Open Bidding, Programmatic Direct, and AdX

MCM is a GAM360 feature available by Google to selected third-party providers (such as Ad.Plus) to consult, represent, and manage account or inventory on publishers behalf.
Partnership in our MCM program will provide publishers with the best opportunity to continue earning revenue from Google Ad Exchange, in addition to new and exclusive demand opportunities from Open Bidding and Programmatic Direct.
Advantages of MCM program:
- Access to premium Google demand (via Google Ad Exchange/AdX).
- Access to demand from other premium exchanges via Open Bidding.
- Access to Programmatic Direct deals – Preferred Deals and Programmatic Guaranteed.
MCM has two delegation types: Manage Account and Manage Inventory.
You can find a comparison table between each delegation type HERE.
Ready for the MCM program?
Ad.Plus is here to take your website monetization effort to the next level. Contact us today to learn more about our MCM program and to see how we can boost your programmatic revenue from day1.